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Seniors and Type 2 Diabetes: Proper Diabetes Management


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects many seniors. It is characterized by the inability of the body to use insulin properly. It impacts how the body metabolizes glucose, which is the body’s essential fuel source.

Living with type 2 diabetes can present some challenges for seniors. Some may require part-time assistance from an experienced home health aide in Vermont while others may need to receive 24×7 live-in care. Fortunately, diabetic seniors can continue to live normally when they make lifestyle changes. They can manage their condition through the following:

Maintaining an Ideal Weight
While older adults with a healthy weight are at risk of diabetes, obese seniors are at an increased risk. Losing body fat can decrease their risk of diabetes. Seniors must consult their doctor or dietician to know the ideal weight that they must maintain. Weight loss can be achieved by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Getting Screened
Screenings are available to determine one’s risk for diabetes. Generally, screenings are important for overweight seniors. However, they may also be important for those who have a family history of diabetes. Usually, diabetes can be detected in the early stages and prevented from becoming more severe. Seniors with pre-diabetes must not take their condition lightly. They should talk to their family members about it and work together to make important decisions, especially when it comes to the diabetic’s care needs. TLC HomeCare can assist with developing a care plan to mitigate a worsening condition.

Getting Quality Sleep at Night
Many seniors don’t get quality sleep at night because of an illness, medication side effects, and other reasons. But, a lack of sleep can affect blood glucose levels and cause fluctuations. Older adults who have a problem sleeping at night must establish a sleep schedule and stick to it. Limiting caffeine intake and avoiding daytime naps may help deal with their sleeping problem.

Quitting Smoking
Although diabetes is not directly associated with tobacco products, the latter can damage their cardiovascular system. Studies show that people who smoke are more likely to have diabetes than those who don’t smoke. While it may not be easy to quit smoking right away, seniors who successfully quit smoking are able to reduce their risk of developing chronic conditions including diabetes.

Quitting Sugary Beverages
Sugary beverages like sports drinks and sodas are associated with type 2 diabetes. Avoiding those drinks can help with weight and diabetes management. It is best to consume lots of water to satiate hunger and to maintain the level of energy to get through the day.